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[国外教程] PS专业精美素材合成技能实例训练视频教程

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发表于 2020-10-22 12:37:16 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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PS专业精美素材合成技能实例训练视频教程专业,精美,素材,合成,技能 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

PS教程是关于PS专业精美素材合成技能实例训练视频教程,时长:43分,大小:604 MB,MP4高清视频格式,使用软件:Photoshop,附源文件,共8个章节,作者:Tom Kai 语言:英语。


Learn everything you need to do start creating stunning Photoshop composites just like the pros! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have created your own awesome Photoshop composite and have the skills to create many more!
I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I’ve been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time i’ve learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you get started with compositing images, to be like a pro, and to give you all the skills you need to make out of this world composite creations! If you want to see more of my work, I encourage you to check out my website HERE or feel free to follow me over on instagram @therealtomkai or you can just click HERE
This class is designed for beginners and really anyone who has any interest in learning how to combine images into composites in photoshop. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that i’ve learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create pieces that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to create composites for yourself or to make money with, this class will be useful to all of you! And don’t worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, including starting images and brushes.
This course is made using the creative cloud version of photoshop, specifically Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is what I use in this course, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop CC from adobe.com
In this course you will learn:
How to use the photoshop interface and tools
Where and how to find completely free to use images
How to composite your images quickly and in a non-destructive way
Color Correction, learn how to properly color correct all elements of your composite so that it looks cohesive
How to add special effects to your composite, including clouds, smoke, particles, and more!
How to properly save and export your image for various platforms and uses

PS专业精美素材合成技能实例训练视频教程专业,精美,素材,合成,技能 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

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