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[国外教程] Modo中Vray逼真着色渲染技术训练视频教程

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发表于 2020-12-2 12:29:53 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Modo中Vray逼真着色渲染技术训练视频教程逼真,着色,渲染,技术训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

本Modo教程是关于Modo中Vray逼真着色渲染技术训练视频教程,时长:3小时30分,大小:1.1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Modo,Vray,附源文件,作者:Richard Yot,共19个章节,语言:英语。

Modo全称The Foundry Modo是一款高级三维建模,纹理和渲染软件,该软件集高级多边形细分曲面、建模、雕刻、3D绘画、动画与渲染于一体,为多个行业的设计/创意环节提供了全面的解决方案,让艺术家不必陷入到技术环节中,就自由地进行探索和开发创意。
The Foundry Modo 13是软件的新版本,增强了建模和渲染功能,采用AMD Radeon Pro Rende的原生GPU渲染,用于复杂装配和程序建模的阵列,以及备受期待的动画层。比如AMD强大的去噪技术已经添加到Modo 13中,这为用户提供了额外的选项,可以通过访问以下两个选项之一来缩短渲染时间:双边和中位数。同时新版本引入了Kit Fusing,允许艺术家只能定义用于创建布尔运算的网格的一部分。另外数组提升了Modo 13的程序建模功能,允许以各种形式进行高级存储,操作和数据输出,进一步支持技术艺术家在Modo 13中可以设计的工具。

This introduction to Vray for Modo will help to demystify how to best approach using Vray in Modo, particularly when it comes to creating materials and what render settings to use.
If you are familiar with Modo’s shading system you might find it difficult to translate some of the concepts and settings to Vray because Vray’s shaders work a little differently, especially when it comes to fresnel reflections. This can make translating Modo materials to Vray difficult if you don’t clearly understand those differences. This tutorial will help you master how to go about creating realistic and physically accurate materials in Vray.
In Vray there are several options for sub-surface scattering, ranging from the regular Vray material to the SSS2 material as well as the AlSurface shader. All of these are compared and explored.
Particular attention is paid to the creation of metals, because these can be quite difficult to create accurately in Vray due to the way the fresnel property on the Vray material is implemented. The tutorial will demonstrate the most straightforward way of creating physically accurate metals in Vray that correspond with real-world values.
Render settings are also explained in detail, and the most efficient approach to creating reliably fast renders is shown. Vray’s superior GI engine is explained and the significant speed advantage against the native Modo render engine is demonstrated. The tutorial covers both CPU and GPU rendering in Vray, and the final scene can be rendered with both methods – with the GPU render being twice as fast as the CPU render on regular hardware.
Whether you are on the fence and trying to decide if Vray is a good addition to Modo, or if you are a seasoned Vray veteran, this tutorial will clearly explain the workings of the shading and rendering aspects of Vray, and explores issues which are not covered in other tutorials, with original research revealing little-known aspects of Vray. So take the guesswork out of using Vray with this Introduction to Vray for Modo.

This second instalment of the Vray for Modo training will help to demystify how to best approach using Vray in Modo, particularly when it comes to creating materials and what render settings to use.
In this training you will go into more in-depth material creation, using both the Shader Tree and the Schematic view. The creation of coated materials using the Schematic is demonstrated, giving a good understanding of Vray’s Blend Material. There are step-by-step examples demonstrating how to create a layered material using Vray’s own procedural textures, and a practical example of Vray’s Tri-Planar projection in use. These techniques will allow you to quickly build complex shaders using Vray native materials and textures, with a range of options that are powerful and flexible.
There is also a video about displacement, which explains how to get the most detail out of your displacement maps as well as discussing some of the options available in Vray, and when to use them. Additional videos take a look at Vray Proxies and Portals.
Finally there are some real-world examples of interior renders using both HDR images and Area Lights for lighting, with strategies to get the fastest possible render times using either option to light your scenes.
As an additional bonus there is a selection of 20 free materials included, these have been created specifically for this training and there will also be some bonus videos added to show how some of these materials were created.



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