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本AE模板是由AE资源素材社区机构整理出品的555个ICON图标MG动画+音效AE模板,大小:29 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920X1080 ,使用软件版本:AE CS 6 或更高版本,使用插件:无需外置插件。
AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。
Videohive 555 Animated Icons
The Animated Icons project is a consistent set of flat icons designed to give life to any project it is added to. The design was guided by perfectionism and precision for maximum user satisfaction.
Each icon has its own custom build up animation and then it loops infinitely. Simply drag & drop the chosen icons into your project, set your colors and (optional) shadow by a few clicks and you are done! There is a general color scheme applied to all icons, but you can make exceptions and set specific colors for each icon. All icons include sound effects.
What you will get after the purchase
- the AE file (2 versions: CS5.5, CS6 – the project is compatible with all later versions as well, e.g. CC 2018);
- logical and straightforward PDF tutorial with clear sections;
- a folder with the audio files.
The icons are grouped into 9 categories: 1. General, 2. Health / Sport, 3. Agriculture / Food / Industry, 4. IT / Internet, 5. Technology / Entertainment, 6. Travel / Vehicles, 7. Corporate, 8. Smileys and 9. Social.
A few examples included are Map, Atom, Earth, Key, Bicycle, Rocket, Vector Design, School Bag, Ambulance, Brain Activity, Microscope / Details, Apple, Yoga / Meditation, Tablet, Responsive Devices, Cloud Computing, Database, Server Park, Webcam, Headset, Businessman, Team, Boss, Network, Certificate, Strategy, Resume, Performance, Percentage, Business Card, Handsake, Currency, Award, SEO, Digital Security and a lot more.
VIP会员:免回复 免资源币 独享VIP资源
1. 本站出于学习和研究的目的提供平台共会员进行交流和讨论,网站资源由会员从网上收集整理所得,版权属于原作者。
2. 网站所有资源是进行学习和研究测试之用,不得以任何方式用于商业用途。请在下载后24小时删除。
3. AE资源网非常重视知识产权,如有侵犯任何第三方权益,请发邮件(aeziyuan@foxmail.com)及时联系,邮件请附(专利证书、商标注册证、著作权证书,以及知识产权人授权投诉方进行投诉的证明文件等有效证明),我们将第一时间核实并删除侵权帖子(3个工作日内处理完并邮件答复)。
本文地址: https://aeziyuan.com/thread-12094-1-1.html