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本AE模板是由AE资源素材社区机构整理出品的500个可180度旋转的职业场景卡通人物动作绑定MG动画包AE模板,大小:2.1 GB,格式:AEP,分辨率:4096×2304,4K ,使用软件版本:AE CC – CC 2019 或更高版本,使用插件:无需外置插件。
AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。
Videohive Character Animation Explainer Toolkit
he Character Animation Explainer Toolkit is a revolutionary product. Design characters, pick animations & create explainer videos right inside After Effects.
Thousands of features, refined over more than a year of research. Character design & animation will never be the same.
Character Studio
Create unique characters using the most advanced character creation package on the market. Easily build characters from a single intuative panel using simple controls like sliders & checkboxes.
Over 30 pre-made characters included. Start from any of the included characters and customise to build your own!
Some of the features
Modify character length and all body proportions.
Change torso shape, modify thickness & roundness.
Having the ability to add muscles, including chest, shoulders, biceps, hip muscles & calves.
Easily add a round belly & re-position it over the character.
Add shirts, jackets, blazers, cardigans, hoodies, coats & sweaters. Customise with the included buttons & zippers, pockets, badges & more.
Including accessories like; bowties, ties, clothes straps, necklaces, scarfs, neck collars, cameras, headphones & more.
Add a skirt and shape it however you like by simply dragging its corners!
Modify waist height, with auto belt re-positioning. Choose from different belts & pick any color.
Change sleeve length, color & thickness. Control top & bottom sleeves indipendently.
Modify hand size and blend between 50 hand poses using the included hand rig.
Add watches, tattoos, bands & more. Choose from 38 hand accessories.
Choose any leg shape. Modify size, thickness, height, roundness & position.
Change pants length, color & thickness. Control top & bottom pants indipendently.
Modify socks height & color. Choose from different patterns change its rotation & size.
Complete boot ankle control, choose chin & ankle colors, height & width.
Change feet size & color. Pick from 15 shoes styles & customise with the included shoe laces & accessories.
Head Design Studio
The most advanced head design package.
Head shape control
A unique system, allowing you to control the forehead & chin separately. Control their width, height, roundness & more. You can achieve any head shape imaginable!
Want something more? Try the V Head Shape switch and change the look completely with a single click.
Additional head features
65 Hair styles in 5 sections. Choose & combine styles from each section to design unique styles. Change colors, add patterns & hair wind.
Individual size & color control for pupils & outer eyes.
Choose from 42 noses. Modify size, color & position.
25 Mustaches to choose from, with rotation animation control.
Choose from different forehead textures.
22 eye brow styles.
21 Ear styles included. Accesorise with 10 ear rings.
Choose from 20 cheek textures.
Including 25 beard styles.
Full mouth control. Change size, colors & position of lips, tongue, teeth & inner mouth.
Accessorise using the included helmets, hats & glasses, with full color control & animation features.
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本文地址: https://aeziyuan.com/thread-12711-1-1.html