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[LUT预设] 胶片部落LUT预设-永恒电影视频调色Tribe Archipelago 1888AD LUTs

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发表于 2019-9-5 08:11:16 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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胶片部落LUT预设-永恒电影视频调色Tribe Archipelago 1888AD LUTs

胶片部落LUT预设-永恒电影视频调色Tribe Archipelago 1888AD LUTs胶片,部落,预设,永恒,电影视频 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

胶片部落LUT预设-永恒电影视频调色Tribe Archipelago 1888AD LUTs
1888AD.No1.II:AD II是最终的清洁编辑。它仍然非常真实,保留色调和色彩,同时为您的图像提供恰到好处的大胆和对比度,使其更上一层楼。使用配置文件滑块可在人像中实现柔和发光。
1888AD.No1.III:AD III将为您的图像提供美丽的提升,增强自然色调,为您的形象带来微妙的活力。微妙的洋红色饰面可以美妙地增强肤色,柔和的对比度可以让阴影恢复得很好。
1888AD.No1.IV:AD IV更加高调,强调您的形象的大胆特征,创造深度和影响力。这些令人垂涎的凉爽薄荷绿色和保留蓝色色调。
1888年.No1.V:AD V是我们部落社区的最爱。黑色和白色是永恒的,并可能会带你到你最喜欢的一些黑白图像。它具有锐利,丰富的对比度,深色,青铜色。滑块为最终外观提供了令人难以置信的多样性,并将为您的图像提供极佳的深度和情感。
1888AD.No1.VI:AD VI是一款非常经典的艺术黑白预设。它具有较冷的色调和多种灰度,保留阴影和高光细节。轮廓滑块功能可实现极佳的多功能性,从亚光饰面到丰富的对比度。
1888AD offers a clean, yet impactful edit with a timeless, film-like feel.  The colors and skin tones are consistent and true to life.  It maintains the original character of your image but enhances it richly and beautifully, bringing it to a whole new level.  This set is perfect for hybrid photographers and for those who love the classic look of film photography.
1888AD.No1.I : AD I provides a warm, rich edit characterized by golden hues, bright cheery greens, and lovely, balanced skin tones, flattering to any skin type.
1888AD.No1.II : AD II is the ultimate clean edit.  It remains very true to the original, preserving tones and colors, while giving your image just the right amount of boldness and contrast to take it to the next level.  Use the profile slider to achieve a soft glow on your portraits.
1888AD.No1.III : AD III will give your image a beautiful lift, enhancing the natural hues and bringing delicate vibrancy to your image.  The subtle magenta finish enhances skin tones beautifully, and the softer contrast allows for great shadow recovery.
1888AD.No1.IV : AD IV is more high key, emphasizing the bold characteristics of your image, creating depth and impact. Features those coveted cool, minty greens and preserves blue tones.
1888AD.No1.V : AD V is a favorite of our Tribe commUnity.  The black and white is timeless, and will likely transport you to some of your favorite black and white images of all time.  It features a sharp, rich contrast with deep, bronzy blacks.  The slider allows for incredible variety to the final look, and will give your image great depth and emotion.
1888AD.No1.VI : AD VI is a very classic, artistic black and white preset.  It is characterized by cooler tones and a wide range of grayscale, preserving shadow and highlight details.  The profile slider feature allows for great versatility, from a matte finish to rich contrast.
1888AD.No1.Tools : The 1888AD set also includes a set of 21 “tool” presets that will speed up your editing time. Everything from one click exposure adjustments, white balance and grain, as well as other handy tools like lens correction and shadow/tone adjustments.


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