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本AE模板是由AE资源素材社区机构整理出品的可180度旋转的职业场景卡通人物动作嘴型绑定MG动画包AE模板,大小:230 MB,格式:aep,分辨率:4096*2304,4K,使用软件版本:AE CC 或更高版本,使用插件:不需要外置插件。
Videohive Character Animation Explainer Toolkit
Modify character length and all body proportions.
Change torso shape, modify thickness & roundness.
Having the ability to add muscles, including chest, shoulders, biceps, hip muscles & calves.
Easily add a round belly & re-position it over the character.
Add shirts, jackets, blazers, cardigans, hoodies, coats & sweaters. Customise with the included buttons & zippers, pockets, badges & more.
Including accessories like; bowties, ties, clothes straps, necklaces, scarfs, neck collars, cameras, headphones & more.
Add a skirt and shape it however you like by simply dragging its corners!
Modify waist height, with auto belt re-positioning. Choose from different belts & pick any color.
Change sleeve length, color & thickness. Control top & bottom sleeves indipendently.
Modify hand size and blend between 50 hand poses using the included hand rig.
Add watches, tattoos, bands & more. Choose from 38 hand accessories.
Choose any leg shape. Modify size, thickness, height, roundness & position.
Change pants length, color & thickness. Control top & bottom pants indipendently.
Modify socks height & color. Choose from different patterns change its rotation & size.
Complete boot ankle control, choose chin & ankle colors, height & width.
Change feet size & color. Pick from 15 shoes styles & customise with the included shoe laces & accessories.
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本文地址: https://aeziyuan.com/thread-13986-1-1.html