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[国外教程] Illustrator多边形低聚设计训练视频教程

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发表于 2020-3-28 13:16:49 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Illustrator多边形低聚设计训练视频教程illustrator,多边形,设计,训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

教程是由AE资源素材社区整理出品的Illustrator多边形低聚设计训练视频教程,时长:54分,大小:110 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Illustrator CC 2018,作者:Deke McClelland,共20章节,语言:英语。

Adobe Illustrator是一种应用于出版、多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画的软件,作为一款非常好的图片处理工具,Adobe Illustrator广泛应用于印刷出版、专业插画、多媒体图像处理和互联网页面的制作等,也可以为线稿提供较高的精度和控制,适合生产任何小型设计到大型的复杂项目。

How to Design with Low Poly in Illustrator
Learn how to illustrate low poly designs in Adobe Illustrator
What Will I Learn?
You'll be able to create low poly designs in Adobe Illustrator.
Basic knowledge on how to use Adobe Illustrator.
Adobe Illustrator.
A PC or Mac Computer.
Welcome to How to Design with Low Poly in Illustrator course, where you will learn how to turn any image into a low poly illustration. The low poly look has it's roots in 3D animation and games, and has become very popular in illustration.
My name is Ergon and I'll be leading you through the course. I have more than 25 years of experience in design and illustration, working with clients and creating my own products.
I've designed this course for anyone wishing to learn how to create low poly illustrations. By the end of the course you'll be able to create your own low poly designs.
I'll be teaching how to pick the right image for low poly design, create the low poly structure, and color it. We'll end by creating a background and shadows for added realism. I will show the process step by step in detail and in a very efficient way. You'll be able to follow the process easily and learn rapidly without wasting valuable time.
The ideal student for this course is someone interested in illustration and design, with basic knowledge in Adobe Illustrator. There are no other requirements to enroll. I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.

Illustrator多边形低聚设计训练视频教程illustrator,多边形,设计,训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com



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