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[InDesign] InDesign CC 2019排版设计大师班训练视频教程

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发表于 2020-3-28 22:20:21 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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InDesign CC 2019排版设计大师班训练视频教程indesign,设计大师,大师班,训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

教程是由AE资源素材社区整理出品的InDesign CC 2019排版设计大师班训练视频教程,时长:10小时30分,大小:2.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:InDesign CC,作者:Martin Perhiniak,共26个章节,语言:英语。

InDesign软件是一个定位于专业排版领域的设计软件, 是面向公司专业出版方案的新平台。 由Adobe公司1999年9月1日发布。它是基于一个新的开放的面向对象体系,可实现高度的扩展性,还建立了一个由第三方开发者和系统集成者可以提供自定义杂志、广告设计、目录、零售商设计工作室和报纸出版方案的核心。可支持插件功能。

What you’ll learn
Learn InDesign from the start the way a professional would use it.
Test your knowledge with quizzes at the end of each chapter.
Practice everything you learn with provided Exercise Files.
Learn useful keyboard shortcuts and best practices.
Advanced automation techniques like GREP and Data Merge
Working with Text and Image Frames
Creative Page Layouts and Compositions
Mastering Character and Paragraph Styles
Typographic and typesetting techniques
Creating Table of Contents
Working with Books and Long Documents
Print and Digital Publishing
Any version of Adobe InDesign, preferably not older than InDesign CS6. Ideally InDesign CC (Creative Cloud).
Prior knowledge is not needed
Exercise Files and Study Guides are provided
About the course:
You might be great in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, but without mastering InDesign you will be struggling to find a job as a graphic designer. This is a crucial tool and skill to have and if you are not familiar with it already, you should start studying right now.
In this course we are going to start from the very basics like how to place text and images into a document to complex techniques like how to utilise styles, master pages, how to create automatic table of contents and so much more. The aim is to teach you the best ways of doing everything in InDesign, to make you confident that you will always know which tool or feature to use in every situation.
Make sure you download the Workbook and Exercise Files and also don’t forget to do Quiz at the end of each chapter to test yourself.
Course is up-to-date with all new features introduced with the most recent CC 2019 update.
Who is the target audience?
This course is aimed at anyone who wants to get into the creative industry and gain a rock solid foundation of InDesign.
Although it is providing a beginner to intermediate level learning experience it can be useful for experienced Photoshop users too as there are many self-taught users who are missing out on a lot of techniques and features.

InDesign CC 2019排版设计大师班训练视频教程indesign,设计大师,大师班,训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com



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