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[国外教程] 3dsMax家具制作实例训练视频教程

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发表于 2020-4-10 22:50:31 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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3dsMax家具制作实例训练视频教程3dsmax,实例,训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

本3dsmax视频教程是由AE资源素材社区整理出品的3dsMax家具制作实例训练视频教程,Udemy 3DS Max Furniture Masterclass,时长:4小时,大小:1.5 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:3ds Max, V-Ray, Photoshop,作者:Alex Tuzhikov,共48个章节,语言:英语。

3D Studio Max,常简称为3d Max或3ds MAX,是Discreet公司开发的(后被Autodesk公司合并)基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首先开始运用在电脑游戏中的动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如X战警II,最后的武士等。在Discreet 3Ds max 7后,正式更名为Autodesk 3ds Max 最新版本是3ds max 2021。

Udemy 3ds Max Furniture Masterclass
I do architectural visualization using 3ds Max, so I work on making furniture every day. It is often
one of the most challenging parts of my job. In this course, I want to teach you all the various
techniques and workflows that I use. You will not only learn how to model furniture, but you will also
be educated in the art of poly modeling, and creating high-detail assets in general. This is a valuable
skill to have in 3d as it often gives your images that extra realism that it needs to become truly
“photo real”.
*As an added bonus, if you know how to make models like these, you can actually sell them to other
people online. There is a huge market for them. The course covers the info you need to do that as well,
but most importantly it is about being a great modeler.
*Many lectures and new techniques are continually being added. This course is intended to be a true
masterclass for furniture modeling, so there are many different techniques and workflows to discuss. As
the curriculum is built upon, the price will go up, so get in early.

3dsMax家具制作实例训练视频教程3dsmax,实例,训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com


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