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[国外教程] AE有趣角色3D动画技术训练视频教程 Animation Techniques with 3D Effects in After Effects

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发表于 2021-1-8 22:45:01 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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AE有趣角色3D动画技术训练视频教程 Animation Techniques with 3D Effects in After Effects

AE有趣角色3D动画技术训练视频教程 Animation Techniques with 3D Effects in After Effects有趣,角色,动画技术,技术训练,视频教程 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

AE教程是关于AE有趣角色3D动画技术训练视频教程 Animation Techniques with 3D Effects in After Effects,时长:4小时30分,大小:1.5 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:After Effects,附源文件,作者:James Curran,共24个章节,语言:西班牙语。

Adobe After Effects(简称Ae)是电影级视频制作工具,制作气势恢宏的大场面。创建电影级影片字幕、片头和过渡。从剪辑中删除物体。点一团火或下一场雨。将徽标或人物制成动画。利用 After Effects 这款行业标准的动态图形和视觉效果软件,您可以将任何灵感制成动画。您可以使用 After Effects 创作一切内容。动画制作人员、设计人员和合成人员可使用 After Effects 为电影、电视、视频和 Web 创作动态图形和视觉效果。
After Effects可以帮助您高效且精确地创建无数种引人注目的动态图形和震撼人心的视觉效果,适用于从事设计和视频特技的机构,包括电视台、动画制作公司、个人后期制作工作室以及多媒体工作室。

Animation Techniques with 3D Effects in After Effects
A course by Moncho Massé , Illustrator and animator
Add depth to your animations step-by-step without using 3D software
3D animation is usually linked to 3D animation programs such as maya or Cinema 4D, although this depth effect can be created with other softwares. The illustrator and animator Moncho Massé uses Adobe After Effects to create his funny animations to which he often adds a three-dimensional effect.
Yes in the course Animation and design of characters in After Effects Moncho taught you to tell stories through small animations, this will teach you to give depth to your animations through the so-called ‘false 3D’, a series of techniques in Adobe After Effects that will serve to create three-dimensional pieces with a focus different. You will learn all your process to rotate objects or icons to create your own character, which you will export in a format ready to share with the world.



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