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[国外教程] AE和C4D印刷排版动画视频教程 Animation for Typographic Compositions Course by Holke 79

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发表于 2021-1-17 16:00:02 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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AE和C4D印刷排版动画视频教程 Animation for Typographic Compositions Course by Holke 79

AE和C4D印刷排版动画视频教程 Animation for Typographic Compositions Course by Holke 79印刷,排版,动画,视频教程,animation - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

AE教程是关于AE和C4D印刷排版动画视频教程 Animation for Typographic Compositions Course by Holke 79,时长:3小时8分,大小:2.7 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件After Effects,附源文件,作者:Holke,共20个章节,语言:西班牙语,英语,葡萄牙语,德语。

Adobe After Effects(简称Ae)是电影级视频制作工具,制作气势恢宏的大场面。创建电影级影片字幕、片头和过渡。从剪辑中删除物体。点一团火或下一场雨。将徽标或人物制成动画。利用 After Effects 这款行业标准的动态图形和视觉效果软件,您可以将任何灵感制成动画。您可以使用 After Effects 创作一切内容。动画制作人员、设计人员和合成人员可使用 After Effects 为电影、电视、视频和 Web 创作动态图形和视觉效果。
After Effects可以帮助您高效且精确地创建无数种引人注目的动态图形和震撼人心的视觉效果,适用于从事设计和视频特技的机构,包括电视台、动画制作公司、个人后期制作工作室以及多媒体工作室。

Animation for Typographic Compositions Course by Holke 79
Learn the techniques to animate your typographic designs and share them on social media
In this era of GIFs and videos, even the lyrics can use some animation to stand out. In this Domestika course you will learn to take your typographic compositions to a new level, using Adobe After Effects and Cinema 4D Lite to bring words to life with animation effects.
Borja Holke, course professor Introduction to motion design and animation curves in After Effects will give you the keys, techniques and approaches to perform experimental typographic animations from scratch.
You will start by knowing Borja, who will tell you about his career as a graphic designer and how he got to specialize in motion design . It will also show you some examples of typographic animation that he uses as a reference and the typographic smelters that are on his top.
You will learn to install the two design and animation tools that you will use in the course, Adobe After Effects and Cinema 4D Lite, and take a first look at their interfaces to make sure you have the tools set up as the teacher.
Then the time will come to focus on everything related to typography, including the work and search for fonts with Adobe Fonts and the review of some foundations of typographic design. You will discover two different paths to focus work as a graphic designer and animator: from the concept or from a previous reference.
You will get down to work and learn, by performing specific exercises in After Effects and Cinema 4D Lite, a few different and fun ways to animate texts.
Borja will propose that you design and animate a typographic poster to put into practice everything you have learned so far. It will guide you through the process with some tips to choose the theme of your poster, and you will model your design process and later animation of yours.
Audio: Spanish
Sub:- Spanish, English, Portuguese, German


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