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体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
本摄影教程是关于体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot,时长:1小时50 分,大小:1.7 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,共9个章节,作者:Dave Black,语言:英语。
Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
Join Dave Black as he draws on his 38 years of experience photographing sports action all over the world to teach you about the specific gear you’ll want to use for each sport. From the big games like football and soccer to the individual sports like golf and gymnastics, Dave has covered it all. With each sport, Dave not only explains the gear he uses, but shares his advice on how to best use that equipment. Dave starts out the class with a look at the settings he uses to optimize capturing sports and action, and then takes you through each sport one-by-one.
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
体育赛事摄影拍摄工具和技巧讲解视频教程 Sports Photography: The Tools and Techniques to Get the Shot
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