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本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的全景展示特效动画AE模板,Videohive Panoramic Opener 12852276,大小:24 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS5 - CC 2015。
Videohive Panoramic Opener 12852276
Panoramic Opener – is a quality product from StenLOGO! Template is very easy to edit. It has a modular structure so that you can always change its length, it is very important. The project includes a PDF manual. Even a person with a basic knowledge of AE can quickly understand the structure of the project. Just insert your own pictures or video, edit the text and enjoy the stylish and fashionable video)! The template is great for: demo reel or any type of slideshow, fashion event and you can give your media more gloss and glamour. Make your own magazine demo reel, night party, present your portfolio, corporate opener,opener, promo, intro, for your media. Dynamic intro, Workout instruction, documentary film, travel slideshow, simple slides, minimal slideshow, company history video, urban demo reel, trailer, scrolling slides, sport event, present a new brand, education video, tutorial, christmas, birthday, anniversary, memorial day, Wedding day, TV show, broadcast pack, awards package. Opener for any special occasions. You can create videos with your participation and put in a social networking and video hostings such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo.
The modular structure of the project
Without additional plug-ins !
Used After Effects CS5 and above
Length 1:10
17 images or video Holders
Full HD resolution (1920×1080)
PDF tutorial included
Easy to edit
33 Text Placeholders
Special thanks – ALEX_BESSS Epic Trailer
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