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本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的20组运动标题LOGO演绎动画AE模板合辑,大小:106 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS5 - CC 2015。
Videohive Motion Titles Pack 14634352
‘Motion Titles Pack’ project is perfect for your travel videos, wedding videos, events, promos, music videos, church events, childs video, birthday, special dates, memories, special events, youtube channel, instagram videos, vimeo videos, cooking show, DIY videos. You can use them as stylish lower thirds. Bright and bold color titles with smooth and dynamic animation and trendy look are great for any type of your videos
20 Unique Title Animations
FullHD 1920×1080, 30 fps
No Plugins required
Well organized
Video Tutorial included
Free Fonts (links included)
Easy Customize
Preview File included
This project is perfect for: Any kinds of video: minimal, clean, lovely, parallax, inspired, travel, quick slideshow, photo, scrolling, corporate, business, elegance, fashion, automotive, holiday, vacation, wedding, simple, special event, photo album, Christmas, birthday, night party, presentation slideshow, inspirational, urban, anniversary, Memorial or bright moments. For any kinds of video reel: Demo Reel, production reel, inspired, inspirational, sport promo, motivational, business opener, corporate presentation, epic, trailer, intro, stylish, quick, modern, minimal titles, beautiful camera, mapping, wrap, 3d, projection, vintage, story, style. Also you can use it for design your own TV show or TV channel brand, broadcast package, awards, ceremony, oscar, Hollywood, magazine, app promo, mobile, store, shop, clothes . Create your titles in 10 minutes.
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本文地址: https://aeziyuan.com/thread-4261-1-1.html