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[国外教程] Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

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摄影教程 Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

摄影教程 Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

本摄影教程是关于Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程,High Impact Images Trailer ,时长:1小时23分,大小:2.53 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,共1个章节,,作者:Lindsay Adler,语言:英语。

High Impact Images Trailer by Lindsay Adler
in this educational and inspirational video tutorial, world-renowned photographer Lindsay Adler demystifies the techniques used in creating high impact images. Through her techniques and concepts, she’ll help you understand what it takes to make photographs that grab your attention.
Join Adler as she creates 4 different shoots from start to finish and guides you through the step by step process of concept development, lighting, posing, post-processing and more.
Impact is the core element of memorably imagery, and Lindsay Adler will explain what that means and what it takes to add impact to your work.
Along with developing concepts, you’ll learn about studio lighting, studio strobes on location, the purpose and use of neutral density filters, Photoshop compositing, creative Photoshop brushes, color toning, and much more.
Whether a portrait, wedding, fine art, or fashion photographer, you will learn what it takes to creative memorable, captivating imagery that are fantastic for marketing, competitions and artistic expression.
Go beyond basic technique and photographic skill– learn the techniques to takes your images from great to award-winning.

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程

Lindsay Adler 高冲击力时尚人像摄影布光及后期教程lindsay,adler,冲击力,时尚人像,时尚人像摄影 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com


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