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[LR预设] 大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设

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发表于 2017-6-9 22:48:40 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

60 Deep Moods Presets & Actions
Deep Moods Modern Moody Lightroom & Photoshop Actions & Presets
This is a Collection of our 30 Presets for moody Photo edits in Lightroom & Photoshop ACR & 30 Photoshop Actions. Great for the Indie, Modern, Creative Photographer and Editor.
Deep Moods collection was inspired by my time spent in Portland Oregon. Portland Inspired me with it's gorgeous muted, moody rainy days and deep, artistic sceneries photographed just beautifully. I love the beautiful coastline with deep greens and rich dark sands. The eclectic style in the city was amazing to be able to capture. I wanted to be able to get that same deep moody feeling in all my photos. That is how this preset collection came about.
These preset can be used in a single process to get a more dramatic look. These work great to give you that deep moody greens and rich colors you in other photographers work and all over social media. Deep Moods works on Weddings, Fashion, Landscape, Fine Art Photography, Street Photography, Lifestyle, Indoor/Outdoor Photoshoots, Portraits, Engagements, Maternity and pretty much all creative photography.
15 Modern Deep Mood Lightroom Presets Ranging from soft and desaturated moody to deep dramatic moody. One click toning presets to create a subtle and deep mood to your photography.
15 Modern Deep Mood Photoshop ACR Filters Ranging from soft and desaturated moody to deep dramatic moody. One click toning ACR Filters that can be fully adjusted.
30 Modern Deep Photoshop Actions 15 Deep Toning Actions to apply a moody tone in one click. These can be easily controlled by changing the opacity of each layer. 15 Adjustment Actions to help you process, fine tune, and save your images.
Instructions for Lightroom & Photoshop
Customer Service help for usage and installation
BONUS 35 Lightroom Customizing Presets that can be applied on top of any preset in your Lightroom Collections.
These can only be used in Adobe Lightroom & Adobe Photoshop -This package of presets is compatible with Lightroom & Photoshop 4, 5, 6 and your Creative Cloud Version- Compatible with Adobe Raw, Tiff and JPEG.* All products come with installation instructions and links to videos. Once payment is made you can download the presets instantly. Contact us with any questions regarding your order or using your presets we will be happy to help!

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

大师级人像情绪意境胶片摄影后期Lightroom预设/ACR预设大师,人像,情绪,意境,摄影后期 - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

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