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[LR预设] 黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets

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发表于 2017-8-9 15:40:04 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

Noir Matte | Lightroom & ACR Presets
Noir Matte Collection Lightroom & ACR Presets
A film inspired black and white collection meant to bring softness and depth into your photographs. Noir Matte is a favourite, for their ability to create soft tones and muted highlights while still bringing out the details and creating an undeniable mood.
These presets are meant to help cut your editing time, while making your entire session have an easy flow, while achieving professional and timeless photographs. Each of the Noir Matte Collection presets are unique, and designed to work well with any portrait or detail shots for hobbyists or professionals.
To compliment your collection, I recommend pairing with our Sage Collection, to include a variety of beautifully deep colors.
Included in your Noir Matte Collection,
Six Matte Dark Lightroom Presets
One Sage Lightroom Preset Sample
Eleven Lightroom Tool Series One Presets
Six Noir Matte ACR Presets
One Sage ACR Preset Sample
Each Preset is designed with different lighting situations in mind, while keeping a constant tone & style though out.
Comprehensive PDF Instruction Book This PDF will guide you though achieving the perfect balance with your presets, as well as information if you need any help uploading or using your presets.
24 Hour Support & Customer Care
Please note that each preset was made by hand, with RAW photographs, using photographs that I took. While these presets will help you achieve the look and consistent style you want to achieve, they will result differently with different variables such as camera brand, image type, exposure, and lighting.
For reference, I shoot in RAW using Canon, while primarily using SIGMA Art and Canon lenses and shoot wide open. I tend to over expose slightly, while shooting warm. When editing I typically decrease exposure, and increase contrast slightly to get my final piece.
This product is an instant download, for use in Lightroom CS4 - CC Version & Photoshop CC ACR. Compatible with Windows and Mac.

黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

黑白磨砂电影胶片Lightroom预设/ACR预设 Noir Matte Lightroom & ACR Presets黑白,磨砂,电影胶片,lightroom,matte - AE资源网 www.aeziyuan.com

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1skEiIRj 密码:j6jk


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