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Color Me Fall – Lightroom Presets
Transform your images from raw to Fall completely using an array of ColorFall Lightroom Presets and brushes!
Transform your images from raw to Fall completely using an array of Color Me Fall editing presets and brushes. Along with your presets, you’ll be able to add dreamy flares, Fall colors, gorgeous tones, haze, rich matte and more! They are great for all seasons, as the Fall colors are optional.
Ideal for all kinds of seasons and sessions including Fall sessions, weddings, engagements, maternity sessions, senior sessions, etc.
Included in this collection are the following:
Clean Base: Turn your raw photos from drab to fab with this starter preset for a Clean Base.
Fall Transformation Presets: Fall Beginnings (adds a tinge of Fall, while still keeping some greenery in your image for that just turning Fall look), October Lust, Bare November, and Golden Leaves that add additional colors for your already there Fall images, or transforms your images completely for a Color Me Fall look.
Fall Transformation Adjustment Brushes: Included are 4 adjustment brushes for a more customized look. You can mix and match these. Fall Beginnings (adds a tinge of Fall, while still keeping some greenery in your image for that just turning Fall look), October Lust, Bare November, and Golden Leaves that add additional colors for your already there Fall images, or transforms your images completely for a Color Me Fall look.
Creamy Soft Preset + Adjustment Brush: This preset adds a soft and magical look to your image. You may use it to soften your entire image for a fine art look or use the additional creamy soft adjustment brush to blur just your background.
Color Cast Adjustment Brushes: Get rid of green and orange color casts on your clients skin for a more realistic fall look.
**Rich Matte, Soft Haze, Color Tone presets, and Vignette: Add final vignetting, a soft haze, rich matte, toning, etc.
Color Me Fall Flare: Add a lush flare for gorgeous soft light.
Tools: Helping presets including reset, level and more for a faster workflow.
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ge7gQeZ 密码:1ofr
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