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Frauke Hagen Daydream Lightroom Presets
Made by travel and adventure lifestyle photographer Frauke Hagen. These filters will add clean, enhancing looks to your travel and adventure/lifestyle imagery. They also add bright blues and faded orange tints to give your photos a daydream feel!
Frauke developed these effects after editing thousands of photos from her travels across the world and helps you to add a minimal fade in your photos along with brightening and enriching effects.
A few words from Frauke, “Chasing sunsets and good vibes, that’s really what these presets are about. They are a collection of my dreams and travels, please enjoy.”
Begin your editing workflow with these beautiful adventure presets from Frauke Hagen.
22 Adventure Lightroom Presets
Subtle Looks
Earthy Tones
Clean Colors
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This product is compatible with Lightroom 4-6, Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Classic CC. Lightroom Presets are compatible with RAW and JPEG photos.
Frauke has included twelve new presets in this bundle for you to play around with and learn from! Keep reading below to learn how these effects will perform on your photos.
ONE | Faded, darker shadows and more deep blue tones .
TWO | My favorite preset, so Tumblr and faded.
THREE | Brightens, more clarity and playing around with blue tones, perfect for moody shoots.
FOUR | Mellow and faded.
FIVE | Green hue, great for portraits or shoots in the forest.
SIX | Brighten it up but keep the moody faded look.
SEVEN | Darker blues and greens, great for shoots by the lake.
EIGHT | Stronger colors, more contrast, perfect for sunsets.
NINE | Just a little touch up on contrast, orange tones and clarity. great when lighting is very mild.
TEN | It’s just a 10/10 for everything wood related.
ELEVEN | Turquoise dreams coming true, great for landscapes.
TWELVE | Corrected skin tones and a bit more contrast when a picture is nice already but you want to step it up just a little.
+ 10 more BONUS Lightroom Presets to make sure you get the best edits!
Categories: Best Sellers, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lightroom Presets, Matte Effects, Nature Effects, Portrait, Seasonal, Travel
Tags: @fraukehagen, creator, creator presets, daydream, daydream effects, daydream lightroom presets, dreamy, dreamy effects, dreamy lightroom presets, filtergrade creator, filtergrade creator presets, frauke hagen, frauke hagen daydream lightroom presets, frauke hagen lightroom presets, frauke hagen photographer, frauke hagen photography, frauke hagen travel photographer, photographer, photography, tones, travel lightroom presets, travel photographer, travel photography, wanderlust
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFWEgGp 密码:jqqz
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