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Urban Dystopia Lightroom Presets by Thomas Kakareko
Dramatic Urban Effects
Inside of this collection, you will find 9 presets created and put together by travel duo Thomas Kakareko and Tim Raack! These are Thomas’ go-to presets for editing photos of his adventures around the world. The purpose of the presets is to enhance your photos and speed up your editing process.
About Thomas
‘I was born in a city that is full of changes, rebellious feelings, confronting attitudes and aspirations to express the freedom in the very individual way. The lifestyle and attitude of Berlin inspires me every day and shapes my visual aesthetics. I love the mystery of the city, shady streets, sometimes very grey skies that merge together with the colour palette of the buildings and the whole architecture. Berlin is extremely urban and sometimes has a melancholic aspect which creates a dystopian society narrative.’
About Urban Dystopia Presets
‘My visual storytelling is based on the dark tones, high contrasts, lots of feelings and expressions that create the whole experience. The preset pack Urban Dystopia enhances the “heavy experience” aesthetic and brings on a dramatic city view.’
Begin your edits with these custom presets from Thomas Kakareko.
9 Urban Dystopia Lightroom Presets
Dark Tones
High Contrast
Free Help Files and Support
This product is compatible with Lightroom 4-6, Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Classic CC. Lightroom Presets are compatible with RAW and JPEG photos
Included Presets
Take a look at what’s included in your download. These presets cover a wide range of effects from blue dark tones to clean, minimal effects.
abolished – high in contrast, rather blue-ish
cloudy bricks – high in contrast, rather yellow-ish
dark winter – black and white with some grain
gentrified – high in contrast with a heavy vignette
lavish nights – something blue-ish for the night
moldy red – high in contrast with some red tones and a strong vignette
stone wall – rather clean compared to the other presets
sunrise emptiness – more yellow-ish, good for sunrise or sunset
Categories: Agency, City, Lifestyle, Lightroom Presets, Matte Effects, Portrait, Street, Travel
Tags: @thomas_k, adobe, adventure, city, commercial, creative, dark, deep, dystopia, edit, editing, effect, explore, harsh, insta edit, instagram, instagram influencer, lifestyle, lightroom, mood, moody, photo, photography, preset, shadows, street, style, thomas, thomas kakareko, tim raack, tone, travel, urban, urbex
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VBlwwiOT9zqLN2X08WeqeA 密码:vez7
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